Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The best advice is...

1. Don't eat yellow snow
2. be yourself
3. Never give up
4. Don't eat brown snow
5. breathe
6. Take chances and make mistakes (I love the Magic school Bus)
7. Don't be an idiot
8. Life is tough, get a helmet!
9. Never fear the unknown, just dive in head first
10. Get used to it
11. What goes around, comes around
12. Normality is stupid, be yourself
13. Be grateful
14. Believe me, life could probably be a lot worse

Monday, October 27, 2008

The best freaking books in the world!

1. Harry Potter!
2. Maximum Ride
3. Romeo and Juliet (Yes, I admit it, I read Shakespeare!)
4. The Twelfth Night
5. Atherton
6. The Book of Mormon (shout out to all my brothers and sisters in Zion!)
7. Twitches (yes, it is a book, not just a movie!)
8. The Seer series
9. Where the Red fern grows (It's sad, but good)
10. Bridge to Terabithia (again, Sad but good)
11. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen is AWESOME)
12. Briar Rose (the houlocaust version)
13. Septimus Heap series
14. The frog princess books (immature, but very entertaining)
15. Fairest
16. The Dragon Keeper
17. The Tennis Shoes among the Nephites Series
18. The Alliance
19. The Giver
20. Gathering Blue
21. Messenger
22. The Singer of All Songs
23. The Waterless Sea
24. The Tenth Power
25. Artemis Fowl (way to go genuis!)
26. The Host
27. Swan Lake
28. The Night Dance
29. A Christmas Carol (Gotta Love Charles Dickens)
30. Assasin
31. Flipped (who would have ever guessed that something so stupid could be so entertaining?)
32. Dracula
33. If you give a Mouse a cookie
34. Oh, the places you'll go!
35.The Squire, His Knight and His Lady
36. The Dung-Cart Night
37. The Merlin Conspiracy
38. The Fire within
39. IceFire
40. Fire Star
41. Twilight (there, I added it, Happy Now, Shortni?)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

You know you're a Trekie if...

1. if someone is doing something really stupid, you say "Surely there is a more effiecent way to use your leisure time?"
2. If someone makes you angry you call them a P'tok
3. you can name every single species that is a part of the Federation.
4. Whenever you see someone acting strange you accuse them of being possesed by an alien species.
5. you talk to your microwave and ask it to replicate any food you want.
6. you get angry when nothing happens
7. you name pets/ children after star fleet members (Ex., Janeway, Tuvok, B'lanna, Chakotay, Jean-Luc, Data, Dianna, Jordy, Seven, Spok, Soto, McCoy, Scottie)
8. If your friends get in a fight you say that you can't help them because of the Prime Directive
9. when your car breaks down you say it's because the warp core over loaded
10. when ever you are saying good-bye to someone you raise your right hand, seperate your middle and ring fingers then press your ring and pinkie fingers and middle and pointer fingers together and say "Live Long and Prosper"
11. you make a com-badge shaped pin and hit it whenever you wish to speak to someone.
12. you throw a fit when nothing happens
13. You get angry when people mix up Star Trek and Star Wars
14. Whenever you feel that someone is being a heartless nad emotionless monster, you accuse them of being a vulcan.
15. you can name all the species native to each seperate quadrant
16. you refer to your air conditioning unit as 'enviornmental controls'
17. When someone asks, "Why was six afraid of seven?" you answer by saying "Because Seven's borg and she's going to assimilate everyone!"
18. you actually know what I'm talking about

When life gives you lemons...

1. throw them at rich peoples' cars
2. stuff them up your nose
3. eat them
4. burn them
5. make lemon juice then squirt it in your sister's eye
6. throw them through your math teacher's window
7.Get a new life
8. Yell at someone and say that you're freaking allergic to lemons
9. Choke on them and die, you stupid lemon eater!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

How to find a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater

1. Place a sign outside your front door that says 'Cannibals Welcome'
2. paint your house purple.
3. At around midnight on the night of a waxing gibbous moon, stand in the middle of your street and begin to read from Patrick F. McManus's The Shoot Canoes, Don't they? very loudly.
4. Keep reading until you either finish the book, the purple people eaters show up, or a neighbor comes and starts wacking you with a heavy broom.
5. If you still have not been able to see a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater, then repeat these steps until you do.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pick-up lines that almost always (never) work!

"I'm the librarian- of love, and you're way overdue to be checked out" :-D
"Did you eat your Lucky Charms this morning? You look magically delicious!"
"Those are shoulder blades? I thought they were wings!"
"Can I get your picture? I really want to show Santa what I want for Christmas."
"I lost my phone number, can I have yours?"
"How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice."
"Hey I'm new to the area and I'm looking for a good place to go eat, do you know any good resteraunts? ... Oh, okay, would you like to go with me tomorrow night?"
"Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I need to walk by again?"
"I had a dream last night..."
"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together."
Warning- results may vary, side effects include humiliation, embarrassment, ruined reputations, and upset stomachs.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What the heck?

Green green green, I pink it up and say "Yellow?!"
Sorry, that was my blonde moment for today.
So I have nothing to say at all. I don't really want to write about my life, thats not exactly the best thing to do on the internet. I'm kind of a quiet person. I keep my life to myself. I don't want some random person seeing my life. I don't know what to write. Why don't I give you an excerpt from my newest book (which I just finished yesterday with a total of 52 pages) The Musician.

I hear the pain and agony behind the smile. I hear the anger- the hatred- behind the kindest of faces. I hear the love and compassion in the sourest of hags. I hear the joy and bliss in the eyes of the one who is about to die. I hear it all. I am the Musician.

To whom it may concern;

If you can see this, you are the Musician for the Colonies. Only a Musician can see this. You must have noticed by now that you can’t hear this book's song. It doesn’t have one. I only have limited time to write, forgive me if it makes little sense.
I can’t go into detail about this books creation. Just know that normal humans cannot see it. Only you can. It contains the genealogy of every person who has ever lived (and will ever) in the colonies. When you find your name it will have a star beside it. I know who this book will come to. Even to the very last Musician.
You have work to do. You have to fix what’s wrong. The world is growing impatient. You don’t have time. A rebellion is growing. It will fall to last Musician. It will fall to Aria to take care of the colonies. The rest of us have to try and make it easier for her. I myself am failing thus far.
Good luck to you all. Especially to you, Aria 4736.
Musician Famoiar
Famoiar 0149, the first Musician
P.S. Keep this with you always. Tell no one. Not even your Nurse.

My blood dropped a few degrees. The first Musician. He had written to me. He had written my name. He knew about me. He said that I would be the last Musician. The very last. No one will come after me and bear the music. It’s all up to me.
I have to take care of the colonies.
It just now dawned on me at how vital the Musician is to the colonies. How… needed I was.
My eleven-year-old body couldn’t handle that realization.
I fell to my knees with a thump. I stared with unseeing eyes at the paper.
Last Musician? Take care of the colonies? Genealogy? No time? What in the world did that mean?
“Aria. Are. You. All. Right.” Nurse called from the dinning area.
“I-I’m fine!” I called back in a shaky voice. Never before had I seen the logic in lying, but now it was blatantly obvious.
“Your. Dinner. Is. Ready.” She said. I weakly got to my feet and put the piece of paper back in the book. I placed the book back on the desk carefully and walked out.
I was too distracted to see what Nurse had made for me. I simply thanked her and began eating. I was too distracted to talk, and she noticed.
“What. Is. Bothering. You.” She asked.
“It’s nothing really. I’m just really tired,” I lied.
“You. Are. Lying. To. Me. Why.” Nurse asked.
“I’m not lying,” I feigned shock. “I think your programs really are malfunctioning. Maybe I should take you to a Technician.”
“Self. Diagnostic. Says. Otherwise. You. Are. Lying.”Nurse said stubbornly.
I sighed. There was no lying to a Nursing unit. “It’s nothing that I can tell you,” I said finally.
“Why. Can. You. Not. Tell. Me.” Nurse asked.
“I just can’t,” I said.
“I. Understand.” Nurse said. When she said this, I knew she didn’t.
“I think I’ll just go to bed. Thank you, Nurse,” I said.
She took my plate as I walked into the room that I was to sleep in. It wasn’t like my own room in the Second Adolescent Colony. It was much bigger and looked like it belonged in a very old history file.
The bed was large. What people in ancient time used to call ‘King Sized’. It had large sheets and blankets covering the top. It looked very exuberant. I fell on top of the bed fully dressed and slept.

Friday, October 17, 2008


I like to write. I've written maybe nine stories so far. Not all are in the same series but they all seem to follow the same plot line. except for this new one I'm writing. It's different, in a way. I honestly don't know what made me think of starting it. I think it was probably listening to someone play the piano. I went through a couple ideas, but none of those seemed to be exactly what I was looking for. Now I have my own little world that I get to create. It's called the Musician by me. It's about this girl, Aria, who becomes the Musician. The Musician is the law enforcer and peace keeper of all the Colonies. There are three colonies to every age group. the infant colony, the toddler colony, the you school age children have their own colony, the adolecents have their own colony, the teens, the young adults, the adults, the seniors, but they're all taken care of by the same person, the Musician. At first Aria is very afraid of what is happening. But then, with the help of her Nursing unit, she overcomes that fear and helps to stop the teen's Rebellion before it destroys the colonies. (in case you're wondering a Nursing unit is a robot tha takes care of a person fromtheir time of birth to their time of termination. (if anyone steals this idea, I will hunt you down!)

25 things you should NEVER say or do to a Harry Potter fan (from Mugglenet.com)

1. In casual conversation, constantly ask: "Now what was the name of that kid with the scar again?"
2. Anytime they bring up the books, close your ears and sing loudly - then tell them they're spoiling it for you (even if you have no intention of reading them).
3. Ask what "HP" stands for.
4. When they begin to theorize, bluntly say "I think Harry is in cahoots with Voldemort and it's all just a huge publicity stunt."
5. Tell them you think the movies are better than the books.
6. Suggest they read the books on SparkNotes, because it's a lot faster.
7. Destroy any and all of their delusions that magic really exists and that they'll someday find Hogwarts.
8. Point and laugh unnecessarily loudly when they tell you how many times they've read each book.
9. Any time they mention JK Rowling, mention that you think she should just retire immediately.
10. Steal their wizard robes.
11. Wash off their lightning bolt tattoo.
12. Steal the dust jacket to their books.
13. Ask to borrow one of the books and return it with scribbles and notes alluding to the death of Harry.
14. Pronounce all of the character's names wrong, no matter how easy they are or how many times you've been corrected.
15. Offer to edit their fanfic, then re-write it to be about a delusional person who is convinced a book about magic is real.
16. Go on and on about how unrealistic all of it is.
17. Offer to mail a letter to Hogwarts, and really mail it to a shrink.
18. Draw mustaches on their Harry Potter posters.
19. When they start ranting and raving about the books/movies, say "That's nice!" in the same tone used to talk to a child.
20. Use logic to disprove all of the plot lines in the books.
21. Plant a snake in their room and laugh at their frustration when they can't communicate with it.
22. Write hate mail to JK Rowling, providing your friend's name and address.
23. Misquote the books as often as possible.
24. Try to convince them that Voldemort is really the good guy and the book is told from Harry's point of view - which is the only reason he comes off looking good.
25. When they start to retell a part of one of the books, say "Oh, yeah, and remember when..." - then completely make something up.

23 things to do in a Ministry of Magic Elevator (from mugglenet.com)

1. when there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you.
2. Push the buttons and pretend they jinx you. Wait for the effects of the 'jinx' to wear off, smile, and go back for more.
3. Ask if you can push the button for other people, but intentionally push the wrong ones.
4. Hold the doors open and say you're waiting for a friend. After a while let the doors close and say, "Hi Greg. How's your day been?"
5. Drop a quill and wait until someone goes to pick it up and then scream, "That's mine!"
6. Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the elevator.
7. Move your desk into the elevator and whenever anyone gets on ask if they have an appointment.
8. Lay down a Muggle Twister mat and ask people if they would like to play.
9. Randomly ask "Did you feel that?" When they look at you curiously, begin to explain your theory that a troll has made its way into the building, become more panicked by the minute.
10. Stand really close to someone, sniffing them occasionally. As they are getting off, tell them you "know of a potion that can cure that…"
11. When the doors close, announce to the others in a voice of forced calm, "It's okay, don't panic, they open again!"
12. Swat at flying memos which don't exist.
13. Call out, "Group hug!" and then enforce it. Use Imperius if necessary.
14. Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering, "Shut up, all of you, just shut up!" Then explain that the Legilimency lessons are working a little too well.
15. Crack open your briefcase or purse and peer inside periodically while whispering, "Got enough air in there?"
16. Stand silently and motionless in the corner facing the wall, without getting off. If someone approaches you, turn around and try to bite them.
17. Stare at another passenger for a while and then announce in horror, "You're one of THEM!" and back away slowly.
18. Charm one of your fingers to talk and use it to communicate with other passengers.
19. Listen to the elevator walls with your Extendable Ears.
20. Speak incantations when anyone presses a button. (Alohomora, for example)
21. Stare manically and grin at another passenger for an extended amount of time before announcing, "I have new socks on."
22. Draw a little square on the floor with your wand and announce to the other passengers in an unnecessarily loud voice, "This is MY personal space!"
23. If anyone questions any of your actions, claim to be under the influence of dark magic.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Now the actual blogging begins

didn't you just love my little introduction? Honestly nothing interesting has ever really happened to me, nor ever will. but still my friend *cough, cough* (see the list to the right) insists I write on this.


I didn't really want to make this. One of my friends who wishes to remain nameless :-P is making me make a blog.