Green green green, I pink it up and say "Yellow?!"
Sorry, that was my blonde moment for today.
So I have nothing to say at all. I don't really want to write about my life, thats not exactly the best thing to do on the internet. I'm kind of a quiet person. I keep my life to myself. I don't want some random person seeing my life. I don't know what to write. Why don't I give you an excerpt from my newest book (which I just finished yesterday with a total of 52 pages) The Musician.
I hear the pain and agony behind the smile. I hear the anger- the hatred- behind the kindest of faces. I hear the love and compassion in the sourest of hags. I hear the joy and bliss in the eyes of the one who is about to die. I hear it all. I am the Musician.
To whom it may concern;
If you can see this, you are the Musician for the Colonies. Only a Musician can see this. You must have noticed by now that you can’t hear this book's song. It doesn’t have one. I only have limited time to write, forgive me if it makes little sense.
I can’t go into detail about this books creation. Just know that normal humans cannot see it. Only you can. It contains the genealogy of every person who has ever lived (and will ever) in the colonies. When you find your name it will have a star beside it. I know who this book will come to. Even to the very last Musician.
You have work to do. You have to fix what’s wrong. The world is growing impatient. You don’t have time. A rebellion is growing. It will fall to last Musician. It will fall to Aria to take care of the colonies. The rest of us have to try and make it easier for her. I myself am failing thus far.
Good luck to you all. Especially to you, Aria 4736.
Musician Famoiar
Famoiar 0149, the first Musician
P.S. Keep this with you always. Tell no one. Not even your Nurse.
My blood dropped a few degrees. The first Musician. He had written to me. He had written my name. He knew about me. He said that I would be the last Musician. The very last. No one will come after me and bear the music. It’s all up to me.
I have to take care of the colonies.
It just now dawned on me at how vital the Musician is to the colonies. How… needed I was.
My eleven-year-old body couldn’t handle that realization.
I fell to my knees with a thump. I stared with unseeing eyes at the paper.
Last Musician? Take care of the colonies? Genealogy? No time? What in the world did that mean?
“Aria. Are. You. All. Right.” Nurse called from the dinning area.
“I-I’m fine!” I called back in a shaky voice. Never before had I seen the logic in lying, but now it was blatantly obvious.
“Your. Dinner. Is. Ready.” She said. I weakly got to my feet and put the piece of paper back in the book. I placed the book back on the desk carefully and walked out.
I was too distracted to see what Nurse had made for me. I simply thanked her and began eating. I was too distracted to talk, and she noticed.
“What. Is. Bothering. You.” She asked.
“It’s nothing really. I’m just really tired,” I lied.
“You. Are. Lying. To. Me. Why.” Nurse asked.
“I’m not lying,” I feigned shock. “I think your programs really are malfunctioning. Maybe I should take you to a Technician.”
“Self. Diagnostic. Says. Otherwise. You. Are. Lying.”Nurse said stubbornly.
I sighed. There was no lying to a Nursing unit. “It’s nothing that I can tell you,” I said finally.
“Why. Can. You. Not. Tell. Me.” Nurse asked.
“I just can’t,” I said.
“I. Understand.” Nurse said. When she said this, I knew she didn’t.
“I think I’ll just go to bed. Thank you, Nurse,” I said.
She took my plate as I walked into the room that I was to sleep in. It wasn’t like my own room in the Second Adolescent Colony. It was much bigger and looked like it belonged in a very old history file.
The bed was large. What people in ancient time used to call ‘King Sized’. It had large sheets and blankets covering the top. It looked very exuberant. I fell on top of the bed fully dressed and slept.
For All Your Maximum Ride Needs
11 years ago
Not commenting your story,you, my friend, are a dork!
and you aren't?
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