Sunday, October 26, 2008

You know you're a Trekie if...

1. if someone is doing something really stupid, you say "Surely there is a more effiecent way to use your leisure time?"
2. If someone makes you angry you call them a P'tok
3. you can name every single species that is a part of the Federation.
4. Whenever you see someone acting strange you accuse them of being possesed by an alien species.
5. you talk to your microwave and ask it to replicate any food you want.
6. you get angry when nothing happens
7. you name pets/ children after star fleet members (Ex., Janeway, Tuvok, B'lanna, Chakotay, Jean-Luc, Data, Dianna, Jordy, Seven, Spok, Soto, McCoy, Scottie)
8. If your friends get in a fight you say that you can't help them because of the Prime Directive
9. when your car breaks down you say it's because the warp core over loaded
10. when ever you are saying good-bye to someone you raise your right hand, seperate your middle and ring fingers then press your ring and pinkie fingers and middle and pointer fingers together and say "Live Long and Prosper"
11. you make a com-badge shaped pin and hit it whenever you wish to speak to someone.
12. you throw a fit when nothing happens
13. You get angry when people mix up Star Trek and Star Wars
14. Whenever you feel that someone is being a heartless nad emotionless monster, you accuse them of being a vulcan.
15. you can name all the species native to each seperate quadrant
16. you refer to your air conditioning unit as 'enviornmental controls'
17. When someone asks, "Why was six afraid of seven?" you answer by saying "Because Seven's borg and she's going to assimilate everyone!"
18. you actually know what I'm talking about

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